the science behind my lunchtime coffee

 I have found that if I drink my cup of coffee during lunch, or slightly after, my day will work just perfectly. Here's why; When I wake up at 7:30 for this class, and the first thing I reach for is an energy drink, or coffee, I feel great during the class. But then when I get around to my last class at 2, I am crashing, and I no longer want to go. Which often leads me to skip the class or go to sleep for a nap that ends up being way too long because my 2:00 classes aren't super important lol. But I have found that when I drink caffeine at around 1, it wakes me up for my 2:00 class and then I go and pay attention and after it gets out, I can go sit somewhere and have extra energy to do a bunch of homework for a while. So I have adapted my lunchtime coffee to my schedule most days and it works perfectly. And on days that I don't have caffeine with lunch, and I decide to have it later, I have a really great workout, and feel very energized, but after, I don't go to sleep until like 2. So this is why I drink coffee, or try to everyday at 2. :)

My drinks of choice: (a monster or an iced macchiato)

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  1. As someone who consumes enough caffeine to put down an elephant, I agree with drinking coffee or energy drinks in the afternoon changes the outcome of the day. I try not to have any caffeine until the afternoon so I can be more productive as the day goes on.


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