The Optiv Building

 Every time I look at the Optiv building outside the dorms it kind of fascinates me. I grew up on an island where we weren't allowed to have buildings over ten stories, and we also had very few buildings that even had elevators. So 1, wow that thing is tall. My secondary thought is always that I want to go in the Optiv building and go all the way up and see out the top windows. Sometimes I think I'm scared of heights, but I don't know actually. I don't want to be scared of heights. Maybe I'm in denial. Writing this, I'm wondering how long that elevator ride would be. I googled it and there's 40 floors apparently. Now I'm also looking at the building next to it that has the spike on top and I'm wondering how big the spike actually is. I wonder if the optiv building has window cleaners who clean the windows of the entire building. If they do I hope they get paid well. That would take a long time. 

Now I've gotten distracted and started thinking about cleaning the windows. What if when people built buildings they made it so that you could rotate the windows so that the outside side turns in so you could clean it. People would jump out that's probably why they don't do it. What if they made it so that you needed a lock and there was only one guy with the lock and his only job was to start at the top and turn all the windows individually and then when he got to the bottom he went up and did it again. Then what if everyone just cleaned their own windows. I feel like the human traits in us would make that hard to do. If I had that job I would constantly lose track of which window I just turned. 

Also escalators fascinate me. Maybe that will be my next blog post. 

My final note is why are the reflections of big building's windows always warped. I know they did not put millions of dollars into big buildings for their windows to not be straight and flat. 

A lot of this comes from the fact that I like seeing people cleaning windows I think it's cool if you wanted to know why I think about this so much.
