Doing Homework Drunk

The other day I was talking to these people and one of them was saying they used to drink wine with their dinner with their parents and then go do homework. And now he likes doing homework a little intoxicated. I got to thinking about it and honestly, I do think it has a lot to do with creativity. In this class we're learning all about how creativity is about letting loose and being okay with accepting "weird" ideas. And I guess that's partially what happens when you drink, your brain stops following the social structure that you were raised to follow and people often do things under the influence that they wouldn't have normally done. I'm not saying anything about the way alcohol affects your consciousness, or ability to make good decisions, but I'm saying the "liquid courage" in you helps you be a little braver. Which is what we are training ourselves to do (sober) in this class. I know that people don't drink alcohol to be more creative but I think the way it opens us up a little bit is interesting and it made me think of how we are learning how we can think outside of the box to create new things and ideas. 


  1. Great title! I had to stop and read. This is a very interesting topic to think about. While personally I do not think I would be very productive doing my homework intoxicated I could understand how it could open some people up and give them some "liquid courage". A lot of being creative is interacting with others and building off ideas and I think some people would be more open to talking and sharing their ideas if they were allowed to have an adult beverage or two before class. It would be interesting to see if there are any scientific studies that have data about people being more creative while intoxicated. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


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