ennie meenie miny mo

 To be quite honest, I did barely any preparation for college in high school. I was kind of just surviving. I took all average classes, no APs, no honors. I did some scholarships, and applied for maybe 3 or 4 colleges. I honestly didn't even research them either. I was so completely un-prepared. And then I had to choose a school, so I went to visit CU Denver and a smaller branch of Oregon State. I chose this school because the other one I visited was in a small town and I wanted to be somewhere that had things going on all the time, so the city was for me. I think that's the only thing I knew for sure. 

When it came to picking my major, I still go back and forth with if I really really want it or not. I really like photography, but I feel like that's something not worth paying for, like you can learn it by yourself. I also really like drawing and painting, but I like it too much and I wouldn't want it to be ruined if I turned it into a career. I think that's why I went with digital design. I do really like it, I think it's a super cool thing and I love learning about it. I just wonder what the other ones would be like, so I'm planning on taking some other classes in other areas to find out. But that's what college is for right? So I'm okay with not knowing where I'm going.
