
There are so many different perspectives on tattoos. I, personally, love them so much. I think I have around ten now. Most of them are tiny (and shitty) stick n pokes, but I feel like that still counts. 

I know a lot of people who hate tattoos, and think if you have tattoos you're a bad person, and they don't want you to "ruin your skin." And they think it's not professional and "tacky." But I also know a lot of people who love tattoos because they're a way to express yourself, and a way to make you feel more like yourself in your body. 

I love this perspective because I think tattoos are just a way to put permanent art on your body. I don't regret any of the tattoos I have because of the memories behind them. I do also design all my tattoos though, so it's not like I'm copying something online, because I think I might regret that if I did it. Honestly though, every time I get another tattoo I feel more like myself and I think decorating my body is a great way of doing that. 

I feel like I should also add that I don't think tattoos make you unprofessional. I understand the content of the tattoo can change that in certain scenarios, but I think if you can handle a needle drilling into your skin for a few hours you can do anything. 


  1. Growing up in a Mexican house hold I was always told how getting tattoos were only going to ruin my skin and everyone was going to look at me differently because they are associated with "gangs", but I now have a few as well and I agree that tattoos are just permanent art on our bodies.


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